Expect to spend at least 1-2 hours with us as we show you all of the extra features and countertop options. Please bring along your floor plans and any pictures you wish to show us.
We will fill out a breakdown sheet, listing the information we need to complete a quote for you.
The quote will be based on the drawings and information received from you.
This will be the first of several conversations you will have with Karl until completion.
The most ideal time is when the walls are studded and before the electrician and the plumber start.
; You can expect to spend upwards to several hours with him as you finalize the design and layout of the kitchen, location of appliances, outlets and plumbing.
Please feel free to bring in flooring and paint samples to use as you match colours.
The size of the project and the number of rooms we are working in will determine how long the installation will take.
Usually we are out by the end of the day, but may take as long as three days.
Then you can sit back and enjoy your new space.